Saturday, October 26, 2013

The Underwear Rule...

Ever wondered how to talk to your 3 or 4 year old about sex?
Well, I guess its more about getting them more aware of their bodies at that age. With today's statistics on sexual abuse and all the depravity that plagues our societies, it appears the sooner the better. I know it's a pretty difficult subject as their minds are still so young and I'm sure you wonder just how much is enough or even too much to be feeding these innocent minds.
Over the years, I have gotten tips from other parents on how to broach the subject and I have recently found something which I think just about articulates the sum of them all and it's called the Under Wear Rule.

As you read, you may be able to come up with ways of adapting this to suit the ages and stages of your little ones. Please come back and share with us what you think and what may be useful to add or subtract from this as well. All the best! The conversation continues...

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